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技术宅 破玉 1235次浏览 0个评论

  程序访问共享的可变数据需要同步机制来保证线程安全性,不使用同步机制的方式就是不共享数据,将数据封闭在单个线程中,实现线程封闭(Thread Confinement)。

Thread-local variables are often used to prevent sharing in designs based on

mutable Singletons or global variables. For example, a single-threaded applica-

tion might maintain a global database connection that is initialized at startup to

avoid having to pass a Connection to every method. Since JDBC connections

may not be thread-safe, a multithreaded application that uses a global connection

without additional coordination is not thread-safe either. By using a ThreadLocal

to store the JDBC connection, as in ConnectionHolder in Listing 3.10, each thread

will have its own connection.

private static ThreadLocal connectionHolder
= new ThreadLocal() {
public Connection initialValue() {
    return DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL);
public static Connection getConnection() {
     return connectionHolder.get();

It is easy to abuse ThreadLocal by treating its thread confinement property as

a license to use global variables or as a means of creating “hidden” method argu-

ments. Like global variables, thread-local variables can detract from reusability

and introduce hidden couplings among classes, and should therefore be used

with care.

华裳绕指柔, 版权所有丨如未注明 , 均为原创|转载请注明对象的共享——ThreadLocal
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