然后创建一个应用,获取其 agentid和secret,再加上自己的企业id,再利用企业微信的api 就可以实现发送对应的消息到某个联系人或者某个部门。其实什么语言都可以,为了方便我们使用Python写个简单的demo。
wechatbot: appid: xxxxx agentid: xxxxx secret: xxxxxxx bot_access_token_url: https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/gettoken send_msg_url: https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token=
整个获取工具如下,代码比较简单,需要注意的是 access_token 需要缓存,过期后再去请求微信的api获取,这一步我们简单将其缓存到文件,有需要的可以缓存到redis:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding : utf-8 -*- # author magicdu import os import time import requests import json import yaml import re try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader, CDumper as Dumper except ImportError: from yaml import Loader, Dumper def getIP(): ip= requests.get("https://api.ipify.org/?format=json") ip=json.loads(ip.text) return ip['ip'] # 加载yaml文件 def loadYmlConfig(): file = open('bootstrap.yml', 'r', encoding='utf-8') stream = file.read() config = yaml.load(stream, Loader=Loader) return config # 获取 yaml 文件的 某个节点的 配置 def getConfig(key): keyConfig = loadYmlConfig()[key] print(keyConfig) return keyConfig # 获取企业号的配置 def getBotConfig(): ymlconfig = getConfig('wechatbot') botConfig = WechatBotConfig( ymlconfig['appid'], ymlconfig['agentid'], ymlconfig['secret'], ymlconfig['bot_access_token_url'], ymlconfig['send_msg_url']) return botConfig # 获取 token def get_access_token(config): values = {'corpid': config.appid, 'corpsecret': config.secret, } req = requests.post(config.bot_access_token_url, params=values) data = json.loads(req.text) return data["access_token"] # 获取 access_token 并缓存到本地 # token 过期时重新获取 def get_bot_access_token(config): try: with open('./tmp/access_token.conf', 'r') as f: t, access_token = f.read().split() except: with open('./tmp/access_token.conf', 'w') as f: access_token = get_access_token(config) cur_time = time.time() f.write('\t'.join([str(cur_time), access_token])) return access_token else: cur_time = time.time() if 0 < cur_time - float(t) < 7260: return access_token else: with open('./tmp/access_token.conf', 'w') as f: access_token = get_access_token(config) f.write('\t'.join([str(cur_time), access_token])) return access_token ## 发送消息 def send_data(config,userids,message): send_url = config.send_msg_url + get_bot_access_token(config) send_values = { "touser": userids, "msgtype": "text", "agentid": config.agentid, "text": { "content": message }, "safe": "0" } send_msges=(bytes(json.dumps(send_values), 'utf-8')) respone = requests.post(send_url, send_msges) respone = respone.json() #当返回的数据是json串的时候直接用.json即可将respone转换成字典 print(respone) return respone["errmsg"] # 企业号 配置 class WechatBotConfig(object): def __init__(self, appid, agentid, secret, bot_access_token_url, send_msg_url): self.appid = appid self.agentid = agentid self.secret = secret self.bot_access_token_url = bot_access_token_url self.send_msg_url=send_msg_url
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding : utf-8 -*- # author magicdu from botutils import getBotConfig,send_data,getIP if __name__ == "__main__": config=getBotConfig() partyIds="@all" ip=getIP() print(ip) send_data(config,partyIds,ip)